Workshop: Disinformation and the Role of Verification

Wednesday 8 December, 16:30 - 19:00 CET - online (sign-up needed)
Cost: €5 · Language: English

This workshop is part of the project Facing Disinformation: Media Diversity from Georgia to Germany.

Workshop: Disinformation and the Role of Verification

With: Michael Elsanadi (Investigator at Mnemonic, EG/US)

In this workshop by Mnemonic, you’ll learn more about the important role verification plays in investigating online content – and identifying disinformation. Following an introduction to the concept of open source investigation, Michael Elsanadi will show different tools and methods for verifying content, such as image searching, geolocation and chronolocation. You’ll learn how to verify questionable content, and be guided through the verification of relevant examples of videos or posts shared that may or may not be considered disinformation. There will also be time to discuss and submit your own examples for review.

Mnemonic works globally to help human rights defenders effectively use digital documentation of human rights violations and international crimes to support advocacy, justice and accountability.



Michael Elsanadi is an Investigator with Mnemonic. Trained at the Human Rights Center at UC Berkeley Law’s Human Rights Investigations Lab, Michael is a researcher specializing in open source investigations into conflict zones in the Middle East and North Africa. Michael has previously worked on public and confidential investigations for organizations such as Physicians for Human Rights into human rights violations committed in Syria, Sudan, and Yemen. Alongside conducting investigations, he runs trainings on open source investigative techniques with the Human Rights Center at UC Berkeley. Michael studied Middle Eastern Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.

Funded by the German Federal Foreign Office as part of the programme ‘Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia’.