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Disruption Network Lab needs you - help fund Exposing Systems of Power & Injustice!

For the past ten years, the Disruption Network Lab has organised over 30 conferences, accessible to global audiences and local communities, bringing together urgent topics, diverse points of view and in-depth knowledge from around the world.

This year our conferences have tackled Smart Prisons, Artivism & Organised Crime – and we launched the Disruption Network Institute to investigate the Kill Cloud, and the future of AI & warfare.

However, in a time of recession, political polarisation and wars, funding critical events and research is getting harder. We believe our work has become all the more important given current human rights emergencies, the continuous rise of populism and technological acceleration in a post-truth era.

We need your help

Now we need your support to ensure that critical debate and exchange continues to have a space in the city of Berlin and globally.

Support us with…

Share! - Help multiply the fundraising by sharing this page with your network!

25€ – Help cover costs for graphics, videos and communication to help us disseminate our work

50€ – Help cover organisation of workshops and events for our community programme

100€ – Help cover streaming costs for our international conferences

500€ – Help us maintain our established network of trust and secure communication with whistleblowers, experts, artists & activists

1000€ – Contribute to fund a fearless, unique and critical research exposing systems of power and injustice

5000€ – Contribute to fund our conferences and projects exposing the misconduct and wrongdoing of the powerful and fighting for a better world

Thank you!

Tatiana Bazzichelli & the Disruption Network Lab Team

Bitcoin address:


Talk to us

· Want to speak before donating a larger sum?
· Need another way of transferring donations?
Don’t hesitate to write to us.
Further Team contact details here.

Disruption Network Lab e. V. is a non-profit, tax-exempt association registered in Germany, based in Berlin. Donations are tax-deductible in the European Union and in the United States. The Disruption Network Lab has been determined by NGOsource to be equivalent to a U.S. public charity. If you would like a copy of the ED certificate, please contact NGOsource.

What have we done in 2023:

We launched Disruption Network Institute: Investigating The Kill Cloud

A new hub for investigations and empirical research on how artificial intelligence impacts new technologies of war, automated weapons, and networked warfare, with four research fellows.

We organised 3 International Conferences - Including our 30th one!

· Over 50 international speakers, performers & workshop facilitators
· 16 Workshops, Meetups & Screenings
· 4 Performances and art installations
· We have curated and produced the events with utmost care for people and topics involved, involving whistleblowers and people at risk
· All conference talks have been streamed for free
· Tickets have cost max 8€

#DNL29 Smart Prisons: Tracking, Monitoring & Control

Investigating systems of surveillance around prisons, detention centres and borders, and the effects of technological violence and discrimination directed at migrants, activists, and dissidents in Europe and worldwide. With Stella Assange, Kevin Gosztola, Stefania Maurizi, Petra Molnar & more.

#DNL30 Artivism: The Art of Subverting Power

How can art and activism be combined to tackle burning social issues, surveillance, unethical corporations and corrupt governments? With The Yes Men, Manu Luksch, WeiterSo, Steal This Poster & more.

#DNL31 Organised Crime: A Global Business

Investigating global systems of organised crime and corruption, and the connections between crime, politics and business. With Julian Hessenthaler, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Stephanie Busari, Frederik Obermaier & more.

Selected Conference Highlights of 2023

Organised Crime - Coming November 24–26 2023

Our 2023 events